The Health Science Program embraces the following CSUCI's mission-based learning outcomes.
- CSUCI graduates will possess an education of sufficient breadth and depth to appreciate
and interpret the natural, social and aesthetic worlds and to address the highly complex
issues facing societies.
Graduates will be able to: - Identify and describe the modern world and issues facing societies from multiple perspectives including those within and across disciplines, cultures and nations (when appropriate).
- Analyze issues, and develop and convey to others solutions to problems using the methodologies, tools and techniques of an academic discipline.
These institutional learning outcomes (ILOs) are embedded in the following Health Science Program Learning Outcomes :
- Foundational Knowledge: Students will gain knowledge of the foundational science underlying health and healthcare.[ILO #1]
- Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Approach: Students will develop professional skills in collaborative and interdisciplinary teamwork, reflecting an ability to work effectively with diverse healthcare professionals and community stakeholders. [ILO #2]
- Critical Thinking and Diverse Perspectives: Students will exhibit critical thinking skills in health science, incorporating diverse cultural, social, and ethical perspectives in their analysis and problem-solving.[ILO #3]
- Evaluating Evidence: Students will demonstrate proficiency in identification and evaluation of relevant scientific sources and translating theoretical knowledge into practice.
- Professional Health Communication: Students will develop professional and effective communication skills, tailored to diverse audiences, including the ability to educate and empower communities about health issues.